FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Today’s funeral announcements.
Today’s funeral announcements.
Today’s sportscast from the Northwest Wisconsin Sports Desk.
BARRON, Wis. (WJMC) — As we head into severe storm season, the National Weather Service and Barron County Sheriff’s Department are teaming up to provide volunteer SKYWARN storm spotter training. The class is open and free for residents and emergency responders. SKYWARN is a NWS program that helps get critical, on-the-ground information to meteorologists, as…
Governor Tony Evers isn’t ruling out stepped up security for Wisconsin’s Elections Administrator. At an Earth Day event near Madison, Evers was asked about that, as Donald Trump has spread falsehoods about Meagan Wolfe “You know if it gets bad enough, certainly we must. I mean think about it. First of all he’s making accusations…
MADISON, Wis. (WRN) — The Department of Natural Resources is rolling out new regulations on walleye fishing ahead of next weekend’s fishing opener. The Department of Natural Resources is rolling out new regulations on walleye fishing ahead of next weekend’s fishing opener. Fisheries director Justine Hass says they’re expanding the three bag limit across most…
MADISON, Wis. (WRN) — Sturgeon fishing can continue as normal in Wisconsin. That’s after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared that the lake sturgeon population in the state is thriving and needs no protection. The action by the federal agency came after an environmentalist group from Arizona filed a petition asking for the prehistoric…
This morning’s top stories from the Northwest Wisconsin News Center: — Help meteorologists issue storm warnings by attending a SKYWARN storm spotter training class; — Gov. Tony Evers says more security may be needed for Wisconsin’s top elections official; — and there’s changes to walleye fishing regulations. These stories on today’s local newscast.
Dale Jensen, 79, of Amery, passed away on April 19. The funeral service for Dale Jensen will be held at Georgetown Lutheran Church, in Balsam Lake, on Thursday at 11 a.m. Visitation is Wednesday, from 4 until 7 p.m., at Williamson-White Funeral Home, in Amery, and from 10 until 11 a.m. on Thursday at the…
Debra Ullrich, 66, of Shell Lake, passed away on April 19. She is survived by her son, Joe Ullrich; brother, Dave Belisle; and father, Robert Belisle. The funeral service for Debra Ullrich will be held at St. Joseph Catholic Church, in Shell Lake, on Thursday at 11 a.m. Visitation is 10 until 11 a.m. on…
Dorothy Topper, 92, of the town of Chicog passed away on April 14. The funeral service for Dorothy Topper will be held at Spooner Funeral Home, on Friday at 11 a.m., followed by interment at the Chicog Cemetery and social gathering at the Chicog Town Hall. Visitation is 10 until 11 a.m. on Friday at…