Visit a State Park this Memorial Day, says DNR

MADISON, Wis. (WRN) — Take a trip somewhere natural for Memorial Day. Wisconsin State Parks recreation chief Missy Vanlanduyt says there’s plenty of places to enjoy and discover across the state. “There’s camping, there’s hiking, ATVs, going, boating, fishing, all kinds of great stuff,” Vanlanduyt said. Vanlanduyt says some of her favorite spots are in…

AM NEWSCAST – Thursday, May 23, 2024

This morning’s top stories from the Northwest Wisconsin News Center: — A culvert washout near Christie Mountain has been repaired and Rusk County Highway O is open to traffic; — The National Weather Service confirms two tornadoes touched down in central Wisconsin; — Lake groups continue to push for wake-surfing boat restrictions; — and the…

Marcella Cimfl

Marcella Cimfl, 80, of Rice Lake, passed away on May 15. The funeral service for Marcella Cimfl will be held at Faith Lutheran Church, in Cameron, on Saturday at 11 a.m. Visitation is 10 until 11 a.m. on Saturday at the church.

Brenda Melton

Brenda Melton, 66, of Spooner, passed away on May 18. The service for Brenda Melton will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, in Spooner, on Saturday at 11 a.m., followed by a luncheon at 12 p.m. Visitation is 9 until 11 a.m. on Saturday at the church.

Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson, 53, of Almena, passed away on May 11. He is survived by his wife, Melissa Johnson; children, Aaron Johnson, Dahlton Johnson and McKayla Hoff; mother, Sue Johnson; and siblings, Tammy Johnson, Jennifer Wilkening, Thomas Johnson and Courtney Johnson. The funeral service for Richard Johnson will be held at Grace Community Church, of Turtle…