
MADISON, Wis., (WRN) — Voters are being asked to amend the Wisconsin Constitution.

Republican state Senator Julian Bradley says the referendum seeks to prevent non-citizens from voting, and align with the US Constitution.
“Most people I talk to, Democrats, Republicans, independents, they all believe that that was the intent so matching up our language with the federal language to ensure that only citizens have the right to vote, it seems like a no brainer,” Bradley said.

Proponents warn some non-citizens have been allowed to vote in local elections in other states, although no Wisconsin municipalities allow that. Debra Cronmiller with the League of Women Voters thinks it should be a local decision.

“The decision that should be made only by the municipal leaders in those communities. This is the legislature, who, for years and years and years, has been advocating for local control,” Cronmiller said.

The ballot measure passed two prior sessions of the Wisconsin Legislature, where Republicans control both the Senate and Assembly.