
RICE LAKE, Wis. (WJMC) — Celebrate rural life Saturday in Rice Lake.

The Fairtime Chapel, at the Barron County Fairgrounds in Rice Lake, invites you to celebrate rural life and local agriculture this Saturday at 3:00 pm. Along with music and a message, Emily Hagen previews the program.

“Pastor John, he’s from Stanfold Lutheran, he’s gonna help lead a prayer service, bless our farmers, bless seeds. So bring your seeds, even if you live in town,” Hagen said. “It doesn’t have to be just farmers. Anybody can bring their garden seeds. Pray for rain. And just really take the opportunity to acknowledge the work our farmers do.

All are welcome to this free event. The Fairtime Chapel is dedicated to outreach beyond denominations, as Christians united by Christ. For more information check their Facebook page.